Guys i need help getting one of my fish out


Dude Dude DUDE!!!!!!
well i was warned but now im seeing for myself

*sigh* i need help fishing my lunnar wrasse out my tank what would the easiest was be
hes to quick and ovids the net completely even when i put food in the net

please help
I NEED my cleaner crew back
UUUM, good luck. When i had to get rid of my damsel, I had to take ALL of my rocks out, then he got tired and gave up
have fun you will more than liikely have to take all the rock out. just watch the fish it may hide in a hole in one of thge rocks.
You can making the room pitch black for several hours.Turn the light on and try to catch it.Sometimes the sudden brightness blinds them,sometimes the change makes them sluggish.
Yep,Just use a small barbless trout fly that looks like a shrimp.
Dont pull the wrasse out of the tank by the line though.Once he's caught,use your net to dip him out.That way you dont hurt him,or stress the rest of the tank.
I had the same problem with a coral beauty a few months back. I cut a piece of plexiglass the depth and height of the tank. Then I moved all the rock from about 1/3 the tank and moved it over to the other side, so 1/3 of the tank had no rock at all. I then slid the plexiglas down about halfway, so there was an opening at the bottom. I put food in the empty part of the tank, and waited about 5 minutes till the beauty figured out how to get over there. As soon as he crossed that plexiglass, I slid it down and he was trapped there in a small area with nowhere to hide. Scooped him out and swore of anything that would possibly nip at my corals again!
There's always the plastic bottle trick.

Get a 1 liter plastic bottle and cut the top off just a little past where the cone stops. Invert the cone and stuff it into the cylinder of the bottle. Silicone it in with aquarium silicone, but not too much. Just enough to hole the pieces together.

Put a few rocks and sand inside to weigh it down. Put some food in it and wait. He'll swim in and then you just lift the bottle up out of the water. Put your hand over the hole in the top when you pull the bottle out. My 6-line was trapped for 2hrs and then found the hole when I went to take it out of the tank. Little b****rd!!

It takes longer. They are scared of the bottle at first. I had to switch out the food every day, so it's a lot of work.

Next time, I'll just go fishin' :mrgreen: