Hello Everyone!


Reefing newb
Hi Everyone,

My name is Johnny D and I'm not new to the aquarium world, but I am new to the salt water world. I've kept multiple tanks for 5+ years and have some wonderful knowledge when it comes to Freshwater tanks and planted tanks.

I've decided to dive head first into the saltwater realm and see what happens. Before I even think of setting up my tank, I've come here for all the possible research I can cram into my small brain. I work at a local fish store, so between the employees there and this forum, I hope to obtain the knowledge I need.

When I'm not reading about aquariums or selling them, I work full time for the Deaprtment of Veteran Affairs in Philadelphia, so that takes up 50 hours of my week right there haha.

I look forward to learning as much as I possibly can, as to not make any mistakes teh first time around.


~Johnny D
Hello and Welcome!

Here are some articles to get you started:

Also please be wary of what your fellows at the LFS tell you. I cannot tell you how many times LFS employees have mislead people about fish, corals, dosing stuff etc, not in a malicious way, but it was very detrimental to the person's fish, tank and wallet. Always research twice and buy once.