

Reefing newb
I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ben. I am a new hobbyist. I do not have a tank yet but I do intend to set one up after buying all the components. Everything I've read suggests to buy within your means. Where I find this to be true, I feel that if one just saves up the money, higher quality components are not out of reach. I would rather buy quality than "within my means" so I'm saving up for a new tank. Also, I've been studying saltwater keeping for 4 years ever since I worked in a pet store that specialized in Saltwater fish.

So, without further ado. HELLO! And I hope you all can be a great asset to me in the future. Thanks! :mrgreen:
Hello and welcome to the site!!

Definitely take your time and save money for the right equipment. It would suck to buy something "within your means" only to have to replace it a couple months down the road.
Hello and welcome to the site..glad to have you. Also, keep checking craigslist, you sometimes find great deals from people trying to sell their equipment and sometimes entire systems.