Help!! Clowns Stressed


Reefing newb
I have 2 tank raised false percula clownfish. I got them 3 weeks ago from the same tank. They tail slap at each other a little but no harm it ever done, but now they are looking really stressed. Every once in a while they will what looks like throwing up a bubble and then sucking it back in. My chromis would do this all the time so I though it was normal, but then I noticed that the clowns would go limp and tip over when it happens to them. They also go into sort of a spasm when they try to tail slap each other. Could this be caused by micro-bubble damage? I cant find any spots on them so I don't think its ick. What should I do?
Clowns will tail slap each other (and at pretty much anything in the tank) as a show of dominance and territoriality. That is normal behavior. I don't know about the bubble though. Are they eating okay? Are your water parameters good?
I'm not worried about the tail slapping. It's just that they go into a spasm when they did. Like they would roll upside down when they did. Other than that and the bubble thing out of their mouth, they are acting normal eating great.
NH3 0
NO2 0
NO3 7
Salinity 35
Temp 78
ph 8.3
It normal for clowns to twitch especially the smaller one.The smaller one does it as a submissive dance to the larger one.Now the bubbles from the mouth,I have no idea what that could be.