Help Please!


Reefing newb
Ok, I had put a clown fish in my tank Yesterday and everything is doing good. mom had went to another county today to do some shopping and ended up bringing me a chocolate chip star and a royal gramma. Both that I have never intended to buy. Shes my mom so I didnt say anything, (she doesnt do this very often). I plan on taking the chocolate chip back wed. and maybe even the royal gramma. But what will this do to my tank, especially since I just added the clown fish yesterday. i dont want to get to much of a bio load and I have ever fell in love with my clown. I have no other choice but to wait to Wed. to take them back to MY lfs. Thats when they open back up.
Tank has been up for almost 3 weeks. I cycled with live rock, live sand, sand from my sisters tank which ahs been up for a year or better and some shrimp. I got the cycle done and silly me tested almost everyday to see if I seen a change so I would notice if something happened later. My nitrates were 5.0 for a week and then dropped to 0. So then I added a real small cleaner crew and then added the clown.
Adding a new fish might trigger another cycle, but the grammas are small, so maybe you won't see any changes. You'll just have to keep testing the water until you can take them back. And good idea about not wanting to keep the choc. chip star if you plan on getting any corals, they are not reef safe.
I think its hit or miss with them. I have one and its been in there since the tank has cycled and it hasnt bothered anything yet. I love mine very nice and eats algae off the glass.
Thanks...I just heard from my sister and she brought her a six line wrasse....we kinda get a little nervous every time she goes shopping. But thank goodness she only does this 2 times a year, and usually she does it with the tropical. We just cant seem to find a way to tell her, so we have decided that together we will educate her. Thanks for being here for me.
i dont know what bifff is talking about but i hve had a choc chip in my reef for likr 2 yrs there ok ass long as you keep them feed
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I had a choc. star that had a special appetite for mushrooms.It didnt matter how much I fed him.He'd eat what I give em,weather it was a silver side,piece or shrimp,or a glob of frozen food.Hed eat that then head straight for my mushrooms.
BUt,some people have great luck with them,and theirs never bother anything.The fishy worlds funny that way.
I am taking him tomorrow. As of right now, he has already rid my tank of my brown algae. So he done a good job while he was in there. But I spent too much money on my cleaner crew to let him eat them or any om my other things that have came out.