

Reefing newb
Hello All,

I could use some help. My tank is about three months old and things are running smooth; however, I had a couple issues in the last week.
1. I feed my anemone yesterday and he turned himself completely inside out? Is he sick?
2. I have a star fish and I found him over top my torch coral a few days ago and it has been shriveled up since. What should I do for him, if anything?

I changed the water a couple days ago and all my levels are perfect so I know it is nothing to do with the water.

Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated!


I'm sure many will point out that Anemones don't do well in new tanks..if they die, they can take everything down with it. Even if your levels are perfect, in a 14 g that's only 3 months old, there's going to be too many shifts in parameters for the nem to handle.
Wow I would not put an Anemone in a tank only 3 months old. ( I dont really like them myself) See if you can take it back to the lfs for credit.

The star fish probably got stung keep an eye on it and if it dies get it out of there quick
On top of the tank's age, I don't think that the lights in a biocube14 are strong enough to keep an anemone alive, they require very very intense lighting.