heres a doooooZEEEE......

Starve him for a couple days.

Turn off the pumps on feeding day.

Put the food in the net.

Hold the net next to the side of the tank. Leave enough room for him to swim in the net.

i had 6 damsels at one time and when i removed them i had to take all the LR out of my tank to get them all :frustrat: ... Good Freakin Luck! i will never buy another damsel ... EVER!
hey goodluck catching the demsel...even iam on the route to catch my Domino Demsel who just killed my yellow tail demsel......these are pretty fast n smart fish man!
It is a little tank. Just drain most of the water out of the tank where he has little running room. Pump the same water back into tank after you get him out. Even a standard tote trash can holds 30 gallons. Simple, quick and easy. You might find it enjoyable seeing him flop around in little water. Them Damsels be easily unlikeable. Remind you of anyone?