Hey all


Reefing newb
New to the site and saltwater business, so any and all advice is helpful!

A couple of questions...

I had my tank up and running for 2.5 months before fish. Levels were perfect. Ammonia went up a bit when I put fish in, and no matter what I do, I can't zero it out. I am currently using Amquel...I think that's what it's called...And it seems to be helping.

Also, I got 2 turbo snails this weekend. I woke up this morning and my yellow tang has ich. I do not yet have a quarantine tank as my fish have all been thriving until now...What can I do?

sounds like your tank didnt cycle before you put fish in and then once you did there was something to kick off the cycle and thats whats happening now, id take everything out of the tank and give it back or sell it back to the LFS until your take has finished cycling. and welcome to the site
Welcome to the site.

You may also want to take a sample of your water to the LFS to have it tested. You could have a bad test kit. Many LFS will test your water for free. If you do have ammonia, I would follow Dustin's advice.
Hi and welcome! Sorry to hear about your troubles. You're going to just have to wait the ammonia out, and keep it low in the meantime by doing water changes.
Hey guys, I haven't been able to get to a computer until now. Thanks for the responses. I thought normal cycle time was 1-3 months before fish? I rinsed off all decorations with hot water and let them sit until dry before I put them in. All of my fish are fine except for the tang...Who is still eating, but is just bothered. I got him seaweed with garlic added to replace his normal seaweed from time to time, and he eats the brine I put in for the other fish, too. I have a snowflake eel, CornEelius, and I also have a clarkii clown we named Wayne Gacy that is feisty as hell, (kind of messed up, I know) I have a few damsels in there that I got for the eel, but I think he is still too small, he only eats the freeze dried shrimp and little pieces of the frozen silverfish. I have 3 blue damsels we refer to as Blue Man Group and a striped damsel named Merle.

I wasn't going to name any of them, but I couldn't resist.

My ammonia was at 0 when I got home last night, at least that's what the test kit says...And I used kick ich for the tang. I read a bunch of reviews on it and asked the store owner a myriad of ridiculous questions before purchasing it, and with all that information decided it would be safe for all my fish and my 2 snails.

If my ammonia seems leveled out, should I still take everything out of the tank? It was very slightly off to begin with...and if I do need to take everything out, What do I do about my fish?
Since your ammonia is back at zero again, you don't need to remove the animals. Just keep a close eye on it to make sure it stays at zero.

btw, LOVE the eel name :)