HOB Filters!


Reefing newb
As some of you may know I have a 29 gallon aquarium that was set up a little more than a month ago. It has about 25lbs of live rock (still need to get about 25lbs more) and about 2.5 inches of sugar sized sand on the bottom. I run 2 Koralia 425 powerheads and 1 Maxijet 400 powerhead. I have an aquatic life 115 internal protein skimmer and am also currently running an Aquaclear 50 HOB style filter.

I've read some things about HOB filters causing nitrate issues and that a lot of people don't use them. Right now with a sponge, activated carbon, and a bio bag in the filter my nitrates are below 5. My water parameters are excellent actually and this is using tap water from the city. I have some nitrate and phosphate reducer just in case but I haven't had to use it. I clean the filter every other week when I do my water changes.

I've also read that people use them just without the sponge because that is where the nitrate problem stems from. This way it acts like a reactor. Do you think in the long run I would be better off taking the sponge out? Can I still use the activated carbon and the bio bag? Also, If I do run it like a reactor with the carbon and bio bag any other suggestions on what to put in there since I will have room without the sponge? I kind of like the idea of using it as a reactor in my small tank and not getting rid of it all together.

yes you can run it without the sponge in... Alot of people run the media 24/7, I just prefer using it when I need to use it just as a buffer in an emergency... You are correct in saying the sponge is where the problem stems as far as Nitrates..
if using media bags you can run whats needed like nitrate removers, phosphate removers, basically what you may need to correct a water problem while finding the root cause of it..
I guess I don't really need any of those but the sound of a phosphate and nitrate reducer would be nice as a buffer.
I have ceramic biomax for beneficial bacteria in the filter as well do you think I need that? I was considering running three levels in my HOB aquaclear. It would be Phosphate reducer in the bottom maybe Fluval brand or something similar, then a nitrate reducer on top of that and on the very top I would use the carbon.