How high to go with rock?


Reef enthusiast
When allowing room for future corals, how high do you go with your rock?
How much space between the top of the rock and the water line?
I have some parts in my tank where the rock is at the very surface, and other places where it's deeper. If you plan on keeping high light corals, you need to give them space to grow up. For a 46 gallon tank like yours, I'd just focus on making the rockwork look pretty and not worry too much about the space left at the top. Very few fish utilize the upper portion of the water column. Most prefer to stay at the bottom or alongside the rockwork, so that's not really an issue either.
Ok, cause I was looking at my tank now that I rearranged the rock and it doesn't go quite as high as i had it so I'm thinking I should add some more at the top. Especially to give me more surface area to mount corals. Right now i have about 70 lbs in there.

Can i add one or two pieces at a time if I buy from my LFS? I don't want to end up with an algae bloom or mini cycle.

If you add a piece or two at a time, you should be okay. There's a small chance that it'd set off a mini cycle, but that's unlikely considering the amount of rock you already have.
Just dont take 5 or 6 pounds of rock home the day the store gets it.Give it a couple of weeks to cure out at the store.OR set up a rubbermaid holding tank for it.That way you wont have to deal with die off from shipping.