HOw many trust their LPS?

Too true, madam. Too true. I know at my LFS, one guy knows his stuff where saltwater and reptiles are concerned (he keeps both). The rest of the employees have no clue outside of what types of fish they have, but they can't tell you anything about them other than what they are.

That's why if i want to know anything, i just research online and/or ask here if i can't find what i'm looking for.
My LFS has been amazing so far, the guy I primarily deal with definitely knows his stuff. On occasions I had a question they didn't know, they have a computer in the store for anyone to use and the guy will look through different websites and forums with me to find information. Even for fish/corals/inverts he does know about he will usually answer my questions and then tell me to look at it on liveaquaria on their computer before I buy anything. On occasions where certain livestock did cause problems for my tank they have let me trade it back in for 90-95% store credit. On top of that their prices are insanely cheap, usually even cheaper than online retailers like liveaquaria. I definitely trust my LFS and I recommend it to almost everyone I meet locally interested in reef tanks. Maybe I'm just lucky, but not all LFS are evil places only in it for the money!