How much to stock?


Reefing newb
I have my 20 Gal reef tank with about 25-30Lbs of live rock and I was wondering how many things will fit in the tank without overdoing it. I currently have 1 clownfish (about an inch maybe), 1 royal blue yellow tail damsel (less then an inch), one frogspawn frag, and one zoopolyp frag, there are several snails and a couple of crabs that came with the live rock (actually given to me by the owner of the store who is a friend of a friend) as a clean up crew.

My question is how much other life can I add. Does coral get included in your calculations of 1 inch of fish per 2-2.5 Gal? (or that is what I was told if you are going to keep small fish like I was planning and have done so far) I want a real nano reef so it looks like a reef only little (That was a joke for those who didn't catch it)

5 tangs Ha-ha joking. I would start by removing that damsel. The blue yellow morph are very nice but once it gets settled it will be territorial and pick at any fish that comes around its domain. There are allot of small fish options, some include the fish I posted earlier a six line wrasse. Also these are options also royal gama,fire fish, some kind of gobie ,or a type of Pseudochromis(some times these fish can be nasty to).Possibley a Pygmy Angelfish if you like the looks of that damsel you have. When you decide to add don't over add or at once. the bio in your tank needs time to catch up. four fish depends on there size. I would say is the maxim 29 I have 5 small fish and I am a bit overloaded.
You need to feed your coral additions as well.You might go live phytoplankton.My self I found it goes bad before I can use it.I been using
this stuff I found called reef chili. or on ebay.
Try this web site for some fish ideas.