How to feed anemones

Some anemones don't need feeding. I think it's ccCapt that has had a long tentacled anemone for years and hasn't fed it. If you do feed, they will take meaty foods like krill, squid, mysis, etc. Same thing fish eat. You target feed them using a turkey baster. More important than feeding is lighting. Anemones need very strong light -- stronger than most corals. And they need very good water conditions and established tanks. So they are not appropriate animals for a newly set up tank. Usually the recommendation is that you shouldn't add an anemone to any tank that has been set up for less than a year.
I used to hand feed mine a thawed out silverside once a week or so... if I remembered.
They love it. Just stick it near the mouth and they'll close up right on it. Just watch your fingers. :mrgreen:
I've had my sebae anemone around 10 yrs now and never once directly fed it. The mated clowns it hosts occassionally bring it food and it catches whatever floats by in the water column.
Anemones in Captive Systems
"Underfeed, underfeed, don't feed! Underfeed, underfeed, don't feed! Most losses in captive systems are the result of over-feeding. How many more times do I feel I need to write this? Bunches! Some anemones have been kept for YEARS without any intentional external feeding. Know your stock! Many anemones (especially larger species) are detritivorous (a polite term meaning they eat poop), planktivorous, and largely chemoautotrophic/photosynthesizing species/individuals that hobbyists try to over-stuff with meaty/prepared foods. My bid for largest cause of loss of anemones is the consequences (lack of oxygen, hydrogen and other sulfide production...) from over-feeding. Cut it out!"