I got him!!!!!


Reefing newb
Now that I caught him I want to know what he is and if hes ok in my tank. Please help cause I know there are a few more and if need be ill get them too. He looks so pissed with his little red eyes.


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I haven't the foggiest notion what kinda crab that is, but it's claws look pointy to me. that means it's most likely a predator and not good for the tank.
ha ha im getting conflicting reviews. Im erring on the side of causion and not going to keep him in the DT. Crabs in general are ok to keep with the Protein skimmer and such right?
yeah a skimmer is not the issue with the crab, it's whether its going to bother any other animals in the tank I think. If in doubt, take him to the LFS and see if they will put it in one of their invert tanks.
I don't see any hairy legs, so it should be ok...I didn't know though if the legs were pointy that was an indication that they were harmful towards others???...
I was always told, "hairy legs are the same for women as for reef crabs: avoid at all costs" :)
Thats a sally lightfoot crab.
They are omnivores.Normally feeding on algae and detritus,but have also been know to turn turn full predator when they become adults.
Thats a sally lightfoot crab.
They are omnivores.Normally feeding on algae and detritus,but have also been know to turn turn full predator when they become adults.

That's so obvious once you said it. Should be a safe crab, unless you're Biff. :shock: :mrgreen:
I was just watching a group of them at the fish shop yesterday. One of them was trying to pinch me through the glass. Seriously? That will not get you adopted (by me).
I know that there is a bigger one and one with one arm still in my tank. I chased the small one around and pinned him by his claw turned around to get the net and all I had was his arm.