I have algae and I'm nervous


Reefing newb
This particular tank has been setup since Dec and the only algae boom I had was diatom which went away fast (plus I have a RO/DI unit now). I have 5 cerith, 5 nass, 2 small and 2 HUGE turbo snails, plus 4 hermits.

So I noticed four days ago some algae on my glass. Very tiny amounts but it's there. I think it's Hair Algae in it's very young forum. The algae looks like it has two or three pieces of tiny green hair attached to one center point. I'm not 100% sure it's hair algae.
I did not panic since it at first cause it came off as easy as dust and the snails were doing their jobs, but now it's actually physically hard to get off. The algae has grown a little bit more, but very very slowly. It's just hard to get off.

Is this an algae boom typical with your first cycle?
Add more snails? More water changes?
Water parameters are good.
I'm currently running phosphate remover with carbon.
I have to scrpae algae off the glass with a razor. That is not unusual. It is slsa not unusual to get algae blooms in new tanks.
All tanks grow some algae on the glass..you've jut gotta keep it clean..Most people have an "every other" day routine with a mag-float. The longer you let it stay there, the harder it is to get off.

For the stubborn areas, just use a razor blade type algae scraper sold at your LFS.
+1 sen 5241b and PRC
After my 'every other' day mag-float, which ends up every other 3-4-5 days, i end up with the razor. Mine is actually an 'attachment' for the mag-float, but I just use it as a hand scraper. Good luck BigFishy!
I never have algae on my fresh water tanks. This is a bummer! I'll get a mag-float today and a scraper. I want to take care of the ASAP. This will bug me!
Good algae, coralline algae, will also grow on the tank glass if left on it's own. And boy is that ever stubborn!