I need help


Reefin' Housewife
Ok. So I have a 55g tank... it's been going for a while now and I'd like to start growing some coral. I think the idea of having an under-water garden would be awesome because I LOVE to garden... although I have a couple of questions...

1. What kind of coral should I begin with? I've heard of some that are easy... like mushrooms or something? (I'm really not good with names of corals, I just know what I like...and usually what I like is really expensive or really hard).

2. What kind of lighting should I get? I was looking at this:

Odyssea T5 High Output Lighting

Or would I need more?

3. Are there any suppliments that I need? Calcium...that kind of thing?

4. Any creatures I should get to maintain the Coral in the water?

And have no fear, my water is the way it's supposed to be :D

I've been doing some research, and everyone is soooo different from everyone else. I'm not trying to be some dumb newbie... I really don't know what to do because when I tell someone I'm doing "this" they tell me I shouldn't and that I should do "that". I know the only advice that matters is what I deem worth mattering... but seriously.

Thanks in Advance!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
1.Mushrooms, Xenia, Green star polyps are a good place to start. What fish do you have in the tank?

2. Im not familiar with that brand of light but it will work.. Im running T5s on my tank with about 4 watts per gallon and I have softies, lps and sps.

3. If your doing weekly water changes you should be fine with softies. Once you get into LPS and SPS you need to monitor your Alkalinity and Calcium (but thats a long story)

4. No, just good water quality.
I know some Damsels will nip at coral so watch them.. Clowns are a good choice but some can be very aggressive towards other fish. I have a pair and cant put anything in my tank without them attacking it (including my hand). They even go after my hermit crabs
I've heard that. So I dunno what I'm going to get next. Probably something with some color. What would you suggest?
+1 mushroom. You can get pretty much any soft coral(mushrooms, xenia, buttons, polyps,etc) you want and some hardier lps corals(trumpets, duncans, hammers). The odyssey fixture will do well for your 55gal, just make sure you get the ones with independent reflectors. Doing routine water changes will keep the needed nutrients and supplements your tank and corals will need, so no need to add anything.
There's a good chance your damsels will bully anything you put in the tank. Other than that, everyone else has you covered.
And don't worry about sounding like a newbie, a lot of us are. The good thing about this site is you can get a bunch of different opinions on the same thing. And we can catch things other people may have missed...

And I've never personally had any problems with my clowns. I have a pair of maroons and a black oscillaris. They've never bothered a thing.
As far a beginners corals mushrooms are always a good choice, ricordea, forgspawn, zoa frags (frags are small pieces), Xenia, there are plenty of easy to care for soft corals.

I'd recommend staying away from hard (Stony Corals or SPS) corals until you're confident with your coral keeping ability.

The Odyssea light is kinda' a Chinese Knock off. Some people use them, lights can get expensive quickly. As a general rule you're looking for 4w per gallon. Although I can't comment on the Odyssea lights themselves the specs are proper.

I wouldn't bother with dosing supplements at first. I'd just concentrate on water quality and regular water changes. Once you're confident with your ability to keep a stable enviornment than maybe consider supplementing.

Alot of corals will eat mysis (shrimp) or other fish food, alot of us will target feed the corals with a turkey baster.

You typically don't want creatures anywhere near your coral..especially those with a harty appetite. As far as clean up crew (CUC) you can get some snails, hermit crabs, peppermint shrimp.

Don't worry about what other people are telling you...Only listen to us..We're never wrong, except that one time in 1977. What a disaster. jk.

Don't worry about asking questions..We'd rather answer questions than hear about how your tank crashed.

Lastly, get rid of the damsels.