

Reefing newb
My sharp nose puffer died out of no where even though he was eating like crazy and full of energy.. Is this Ich and will it spread to other fish??

Can't tell. If he had white spots like grains of salt stuck to his body, then yes...it was ich. More info needed -- how long have you had him? Do you qt all of your fish before putting them in? What are your parameters? Are the other fish eating?

And if it was ich, then yes. It is now in your tank unless you leave your tank fallow (fishless) for a few months, and treat ALL the fish in your tank in qt w/ hyposalinity or copper. But honestly, most of us have ich in our tanks because we don't qt. As long as the fish are eating, they can keep it at bay. If they get stressed, they will show signs.

Amonia, Nitrites and Nitrates are all at zero and salinity is at .24.. All the other fish are doing fine and I haven't seen any Ich on them at all.. I caught that puffer myself on a shallow reef off Palm Beach a couple weeks ago.. Should I start putting garlic and vitamin C in my food? How would I go about doing that?
Well, if the other fish are eating, I wouldn't worry. Maybe the puffer did not handle the transition well. Stress.

You can buy garlic supplements from your lfs. Just put a couple of drops in the food, let it soak a few minutes, then feed the fish. There's no real study on the heath benefits, but it does promote feeding, so that's good.
The puffer looks pretty small - how tiny was it? If it was pretty tiny, then it was likely a baby just out of the settlement phase. Metabolism and feeding needs are super high at that stage and many simply can't make it in aquariums because we just can't meet their nutritional needs.