I'm A weeener


Reefing newb
Bow to my surperior weenerness all you lowly nonweeners....

I now possess the Tank Wand Of Power. It was bestowed to me when the nerds of the rectangular table came together at sir patricks house. I am honored that you would entrust such substantial article into my possesion. I will do great conquest with the power of the wand and its warming enchantment.

But know this, I will never forget you lowly nerds who put there numbers (or letters depending on how you looked at them) into the tupperware of power to allow the chosen one (me of course) to be exalted to supreme nerdiness...

Oh and thanks for the other kind of weeners too Sir Patrick...

Sir (wand of power) Donny
Sir all Mighty Master of Weenerness I believe thou has introduced the "Tank Wand of Power" to one sir Donny's mystical hole of :pooh:.
don't be jealous of my super cool heater man...

Thow aren't worthy...


PS: Be nice brandon or I will sabotage your nookie for a month!

donny your not right! :mrgreen: congrats on the new wand though. by the way the wand you speak of was donated to our club by one of our very own livingreef moderators. JHNRB. Please take a second to send him a thank you.
great meeting guys, it was nice to meet all the new members. it wont be long and the club will be to big for peoples houses! :Cheers: keep it up and spread the word.