I'm goin for it.


I have come to the realization... I want angels and butterflys. I will be adding next week a saddled butterfly, blue face angel, and a regal angel. They are at the LFS (just came in today) so I will wait to see if they eat and make sure their healthy. :bounce:

and I will most likely be removing the few corals I have. :(

I will post pics asap
you should keep the corals in there and monitor them before you decide to take them out. just to see if you can keep them reigned in like the doctor
You make me proud Winy...I am smiling from ear to ear to hear about your blue-face and regal. Both are shy angels and tend to not do well with excessive completetion for food. You may also want to try an Asfur or Yellow Bar Angel. Both would be a beautiful addition of more passive angelfish. I am also a fan of the addonis butterfly (he will for sure make short work of your corals, though).

I will have to see pics of your new fish when you get them.

My fish have been behaving like model citizens, until I went to Vegas last week. I left my neighbor in charge and he did not feed as aggressively as I told him to. I returned home to find my silver-tipped Xenia shriveled up and my torch looking less than happy. I moved around a few rocks and the torch looks great today, the Xenia still looks poor. hmmm, the price I pay to go to Vegas. On a happy note, I went up at blackjack and left ahead. I like it when I take casino money instead of the other way around.

Congrats again on your choice Winy. Keep us posted.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
The LFS does have a asfur angel, I have been debating on. She's been there for a few months now eats very well, but seems to be a bit aggressive, so I might wait on that one.

I think I will be bringing home the saddled butterfly and blue face this weekend. The regal still is not eating as well as I would like. I also will bring home a juvenile acanthurus pleryferos (I can't spell it) mimic tang or chocolate tang whatever you prefer to call it, its a juvenile the size of my flagfin angel (silver dollar size). What can I say I have a weak spot for tangs.
I am so jealous. I am SOOOOO tempted to try and stick in another angelfish in my tank, but I think it would cause the CRASH. So, I will just have to dream about your blue-face. Best of luck. Post pics ASAP

-Dr Marco :sfish: