
I have been using a product called Stability in my tank which is a bacteria product to help keep i clean. What i want to know is since i am running carbon all the time is this getting sucked out. since my tank has been running for 6 months do i even need to use it? can anyone help?
howdy and welcome to the site..:D

I dont know alot about the product but what I do know is that you need to remove the carbon.. I know the product is supposed to make a new tank cycle quicker but beyond that I dont know alot about it..
I don't think you need to use it. Do you have live rock and sand? If you have 1 to 2 lbs of rock per gallon of your tank and at least a little bit of sand, you shouldn't need to continue adding a bacterial supplement. They can be useful when you first set your tank up, but by now, your tank should have plenty of bacteria in it already.