
Iodine is an antiseptic.I don't test it in my tank,so I dont dose my tank with it.However I do use the Lugols iodine to dip MOST of my new corals ( mainly softies ) before I place them in my tank to help ward off any infections they might have.
I've also seen it dosed in tanks where corals were severely stressed and bleaching at the LFS.But I can't swear that it's what helped the corals recover.
I've yet to hear of anyone dosing Iodine, for the most part it should be replenished when you do your water changes. You can test for it, and it'd be interesting to see your results.

My personal observations have been that after almost every water change I've done, I'll always see at least one of my inverts molting. Since iodine is important for their molting, I can only assume that my iodine levels are kept at good levels due to my weekly water changes
I use it to dip new corals. I also don't dose it. I have one time in the past -- after my tank had the kalk overdose and crashed, and everything was dying. I followed Yote's instructions. It couldn't hurt, they were already dying, right? :)

Brian is right about the water changes. Salt should contain a good balance of iodine.
Ok cool. I've been adding more sps to my tank and I keep seeing general references to iodine and wasn't sure if I should be worrying about it or not.
The only benefits of iodine in a reef system that I know of is 1)helps shrimps and crabs molt and 2)macroalgae growth.

Everything I read recommends not to dose and let regular changes take care of the levels.I do use it as a coral dip though.