Is there?


Reefing newb
Such a thing as to many copepods or snails?

Reason I ask is that since I am still waiting on my second shipment of live rock from TBS, weather has not been the best in Florida and Richard hasnt been able to dive for it. My tank has cycled with the 90lbs of rock and 90lbs of sand. It finished cycling on March 15. So I know I cant add any fish cause I will have another cycle coming from the new rock.

Everytime I go to the fish store they keep giving me $20 off, so I bought a bottle of trigger pods. Added it to my tank and that was that, about week went by didnt see any thing, so bought another one. Added it to my tank figuring I would get a good jump start on a pod population. Well last night I was night gazing in my tank and noticed that my entire DT glass is covered in them.... free fish food, but got no fish.

As for the snails, I noticed two of my snails, dont know what they are, leaving two 8in long if stretched straight of eggs on my glass. Now already have more baby snails then I can count all over my tank. Once again free fish food.....but no fish.

So I figured I should not add any more pods or anything right....

The Trigger Pods only cost me .85cents after tax, which is why I keep getting them. I am unable to build up the money off so I have to use it but I cant add fish yet and pretty sure I have all supplys that I need for now.
Why cant you just cure the rock before putting in your tank? Then you wont have a cycle and you can get fish.
+1 yote, snail's dont really live that long anyway 6 mnts to a year .. yer fine:Buds:

If they arent acclimated right maybe. I have had this one baby snail in my tank for well over two years. I first noticed it about the size of a grain of sand. It is about the size of pea gravel now. I think it might be a turbo. The shells look very similar.