Is this ich?


Reef enthusiast
So i get this sailfin tang from a local reefer last night. He had it for a few weeks and it was perfectly healthy. I go and pick it up and it looks great. Get it in my tank around 11pm last night after acclimating for over an hour. This afternoon I notice all these white spots on him! My tank has a bunch of particle and some microbubbles floating around so at first i thought maybe they were stuck to him.
Can they really go from having no signs of it to this in less than 24hrs???

If it is ich, what should i do? I don't have a qt. My other fish look fine.

Ich is only visible when the fish is stressed. Most fish have ich its just not visible. Very few tanks do not have any ich in them. It is most likely stressed from the move and this is causing the parasite to come to the surface of the fish. I really can't tell though from the pic as it looks like there are white dots everywhere to me. The ich will look like a very small raised white spot on the fish.

Tangs are easily stressed in a move and therefore deemed ich magnets.
It's a Tang, he's stressed. Give him some garlic and vitamin C soaked food asap for a few days. He'll get better.
Thanks! Where do you get the garlic and vitamin c? I usually feed rod's food. How do you soak it?
Other than the spots, he seems to be acting healthy.
It's not unusual for ich to show up all of a sudden (bah dah bah dah bah). Sometimes the fish will look perfectly fine when you turn the lights on, and then an hour later it will be covered in spots.

If the fish is still eating, it can usually get over it on its own. You can get vitamins and garlic extract at your LFS, Petsmart or Petco. Just thaw out their foods, then squirt some of the vitamins and garlic on it, and let it soak for about 15 minutes. Then feed it to the fish, juices and all.
I was gonna buy some garlic extrac today. Wow 30 bucks for a small bottle...I will squeeze my own from now on LOL.
That was from a fish store. The garlic elixor I used to use years ago for like 10 buck a tube is now 55 bucks for 4 oz tube at Drfosterandsmiths. I will have to try out that seachem garlic guard. Thats more in my price range.
looks like ich to me...

If the fish is not eating and showing bad signs like breathing fast, hiding, etc. i would remove it from the DT, give it a fresh water dip and off to be quarantined for the next 4-6 weeks in copper.

If the fish is eating, +1 all of the above
What happens is the parasite will gourge itself and then they will fall off the fish making it seem like the parasite is gone when in reality they fall to the substrate and over two hundred little ones called tomites will come from each parasite. It will be back with a vengence if treatment is not induced.