Its all about the Fiancee


Reefing newb
:sfish:When deciding what would make the ultimate Birthday Present - Reef aquarium came second to diamonds for my Fiancee! We both really wanted an aquarium but have remained very transient the last year and half. We are staying put for at least two years!:D

We jumped full tilt - 90 Gallon Glass set-up on Craigslist with a great lighting system T5s, 2 x MH, 18 Lunar LEDS, Orbiter 36", G2 Protein Skimmer, and 35 Gallon Refugium. Made the run to the local Fish store, and are attempting to bring the tank up with nutured water (sourced directly from 1200 gal. tank), fully cured live rock, and Ceramic rings Bio-Media.

We have one last hurdle to jump - so having a hobby that keeps us home, is relaxing to stare at, and amazing is PERFECT!:^:
Welcome aboard.
You DO know that your on your way to the doghouse just like the rest of us,right? :mrgreen:
I'd get rid of the bio-media as it's just a breeding ground for nitrates.
But other than that, sounds like you are off to a great start! Congrats!

You have come to the right place to find out how to spend your money! Lets see some pics as soon as you can!

I bet you didnt think a reef aquirium was just as expensive as diamonds did you.:shock: welcome ask away if you need help. Im still in the dog house :frustrat: