kenya tree


Reefing newb
I have been switching over my 55 gallon tank to my new 150 gallon tank. I put my kenya tree in two days ago and it came out and looked good for the first two days but now its all shriveled up and my other one i added at the same time is doing good. Was just wandering if anybody new what it could be or something i could try. Ive already added a little more water flow to it but still isn't doing anything.
I had that problem before, but dont worry...kenyas are tough as nails. July of last year I was re-scaping my 150 & forgot to put 1 of the rocks back in the tank. Needless to say that there was a 4 inch kenya tree attached to it. After leaving it out of water for 2 hours I placed it back in the tank & the kenya was fine after a day. Besides kenyas do that all the time for no reason, but they always bounce back. Just give it time & make sure your salinity is good. IME kenyas are VERY hardy, but they won't take osmotic shock to well.
It's prlly just getting used to the change. Every so often Kenya trees shrivel up rlly tight and turn a grayish color and shed kind of a mucous. Maybe that's what your is doing to get used to the new environment. I wouldn't worry. They are very tough. Just give it a week or so.