Levelling a stand on carpet using shims?


Mr. Paranoid
This is turning into a frustrating affair.

The stand is perfect...the home is not. The floor is definitely off.

I have the stand shimmed and it now shows level. But the overall result is WAY more wobbly than before it was leveled.

Essentially, it has 4 feet underneath the stand the size of a 4x4 each.

When using the shims...should I be using 2 on top of one another going opposite directions to create a flat surface? or just tap them in?

What am I missing....???

Typically you just tap the shims in as far as you need to raise the part yo need to, to make it level. If you put two on top criss crossed then you are just raising the whole thing instead of just raising the part that needs to be raised. After you tap them in then you can snap or cut them off. Use an exact o knife.
A friend of mine had this same issue. I attributed it to the foam padding under the carpet, and weight not distributed evenly throughout the tank. He solved it by having braces put into the wall and attaching to the canopy. It doesn't shake or wobble anymore when you walk by, but getting the canopy off now is a severe PITA.
All I did was use shims...I'm on my phone at break so sorry for any delay.