LFS Selling Me Aiptasia?!


Reefing newb
I have just bought some LR from my LFS and after researching, I think they may have sold me a small rock that contains loads of Aiptasia.

Can anyone confirm from the photos below what they are for sure?

If I touch them, they do seem to partly retract back into the rock, but some are large so maybe they just don't fit?!

Any help would be appreciated :)


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Didn't claim it was anything, but they said all of the rock they were selling would be fine... I will be taking it back, or may just throw it away as only a small lump (probably would cost more in fuel to return).

Cheers for all your help :)
That rock is absolutely covered in aiptasia. I would bring it back to them, even if it does cost you more in gas money. Just for the principle of it!
I have place it inside a plastic bag to avoid the potential of it spreading to my other rocks... Now it is making me worried that they have also sold me a bit of dodgy rock with unsafe algae on it... All a learning curve.
I wouldn't worry about algae. But, yeah, that rock has got to go. One of my LFS always has some on their rocks. I wouldn't buy rock there but like their fish selection. Now that you know what it is you can be more cautious. Just consider it a fun lesson learned :)
Cheers, I will keep an eye on it and make sure the algae growth doesn't start to get out of hand. Least I know what to look out for now :)
Its aptaisa for sure. but don't fret, its really not the end of the world, in fact it's a good opportunity to get some cool life in your tank.

I had a really bad aptasia break out a while back, and i mean really bad. the ~15 head you have there are nothing in comparison to the anenomie sized guys i had. They were growing everywhere. i had about 125 heads that i could see in a 30 gallon. (that's what happens when you go on vacation and have 15 in ur tank). Any way, I came back, bought 5 peppermint shrimp, and they were all gone with in a week. Now the peppermint shrimp just hang out in the tank and act really goofy, they are some of my favorite charicters in the tank. they are always dancing in caves. plus if you put ur hand in the tank, they all swarm you and start trying to eat you, i find it quite amusing.

either way, take it back, or keep it, but you should still get 1 or 2 pep shrimps just cause aptaisia is a pretty common issue and they will be preemptive about keeping it out.
Cheers for the tip, think I will be investing in a few peppermint shrimp in a few weeks, they look quite cool. Just waiting for all the levels in my water to stabilise :)
I'm glad I read this because I have some on my rocks and I thought they were quite cool looking and not harmful.