Lieutenant Tang


Reefing newb
My new Lieutenant tang has developed brown speckled patches over his body. After about 2 days I finally managed to catch him and he is now in a quarantine tank dosed with copper. That was about 2 days ago and it seems to have spread more across his body, but he is eating. Should I be doing anything else and should I be worried about the other fish in the first tank?
Just make sure he keeps eating.Soak his food in garlic,its supposed to make them hungry.And keep an eye on him.
Pics would be helpful. It sounds like things are going well as far as treatment. Like Yote said make sure you soak his food in garlic. It is also supposed to help with immune system but mostly just appetizing them.

secondly what are you feeding your tang? and have you been feeding greens to him at all?
Actual Yes. My new Lieutenant tang had developed brown speckled patches over his body. He was obviously itchy and he was scratching and flicking in the sand. I caught him and put him in a quarantine tank for 3 weeks dosing with copper. It went away and I returned him to the main tank and he's been fine ever since. None of the oher fish had or have any sign of it.