Light Cycles


Reefing newb
What type of light cycles are proper for tanks with corals and fish? Example times and types of bulbs. Do you run blues and whites together separate - what is best?
Typically you will see people run their metal halide or whatever bulbs are their daylight bulbs for about 8-10 hours, with blues coming on at least an hour before and going off an hour later. That's probably about average and then you'll see variations from there.
I have two stages of blues before my white mh comes on. The first set of blues come on, and then a half hour later the next set of blues come on, and then a half hour later the MH comes on. Then about 8 or 9 hours later they go off in the reverse.
i shoot for a blue tint to the light it is more pleasing to the eye and you can get better color from the corals with a bluer hue
I like 12K the best. It's all personal preference. BUT corals tend to grow better under low K bulbs, and they look better under high K bulbs. So you need to find a balance between the two.
I run a 10k 250w MH and then 4 blue T5's to help visually balance it out.
The tank really seems to be liking that 10k mh.