lighting advice


Reefing newb
I have a 55 gal with...
2x Odyssea 65W Power Compact Bulb Daylight 12000K
2x Odyssea 65W Power Compact Bulb Actinic Blue
4x Dual Bluemoon LED

Is this enough lighting if I want to keep corals/polyps?

I tried to do some research on it but there is so many different choices and information out there...grr..i need help. Just wanna see if I am good with what I have or do I need to invest more :-?
depends on what you wanna keep. you will be good to go if you only want mushrooms. but if you want clams, anemones, or SPS or most LPS youll need an upgrade
That gives you 4.7 watts per gallon.So you can probably do most soft corals and mushrooms.Borderline with LPS.I think you could probably keep some of the less light demanding LPS,as long as you keep them in the top half of the tank.
I agree. Softies will probably be fine. Mushrooms, zoanthids, xenia, leathers, etc. It's pushing it for LPS though (like frogspawn, hammer, fox coral, torch, bubble coral, etc.)
Sounds good Crack.....

General Q for everyone....when did you add your first coral in the tank after setup? (i.e. after 1 month, 2 months, few weeks?)
I started adding soft corals about 6 weeks after the cycle.For LPS and SPS,it'd probably be better to wait at least a couple of months.
I waited a month after the cycle for the easy to keep softies,zoanthids and mushrooms.Better to wait another month before adding LPS corals.I wouldn't even attempt any SPS corals with that light.