lighting dilemma please help


Reefing newb
I am currently gathering all the equipment i will need to start up my new 55. however i can not come to a decision on a light. I know for a fact i want t5, no MH. I liked the ATI however i have no where to hang it from, i liked the finnex fixture however it will be very very close to being to wide, and i really want to try to avoid light spilling over the edge onto the floor. Any first hand advice of fixtures that any of you guys may be using on a 13 inch deep tank would be great. I want to get a good fixture, not really to interested in skimping on quality for a few bucks. built in lunar lights are a plus as well, love the way they look at night.

Thanks in advance,
Current Nova Extreme Pro. 6 bulbs, individual reflectors. That will be more than sufficient for your tank. No built in lunar lights, but those are cheap and easy to buy separately. It's 12" wide, so it will fit the tank very snuggly.
thanks for the replys

biff, i am going to be using a octopus HOB skimmer, and the pvc piping takes up about 2 1/2 in up in the back of the tank, do you still think that fixture would fit? i really want to avoid light spilling all over the floor and such.

Thanks again
No I don't think that will work... In that case, you could even go with the Current Nova Extreme 4 x 48" bulb fixture. This doesn't have individual reflectors, but is much smaller than the Extreme Pro. I used the 4 x 48" Nova Extreme over my 55 for years, and was able to keep anything I wanted.
there is no 4 bulb fixtures that are around 10 inches and each bulb has individual reflectors?? i have been looking so much i am just constantly mixing up which lights have which features, haha. Have you heard anything about the finnex fixtures? that one is only 10 5/8" wide, i think that one may squeeze in.
You can't go wrong with the ATI Powermodules and Sunpower.Strange that they don't even offer a tank mounting kit even as an option.The Aquactinics are great,build like a brick.My Aquactinic Constellation has serve me well for the last couple of years.Their TX5 aren't very sleek but that big dome has it's purpose.Light is channeled back into the tank instead of spilling over which is perfect for slim tanks such as your 55g.They have 5 bulbs and individual reflectors which will allow you to be unlimited on corals etc.