

Reefing newb
i have had a sw tank for about a month now and just got to add my cleanup crew because my CYCLE IS FINISHED! my only question is how long should i run my lights for? i have two coralife fixtures with the 50/50 bulbs in them and two individual florescent tubes to light my aquarium. Also would this be considered low light? what type of corals should i keep with these lights?
definitely considered low light.

what are you wanting to keep in this aquarium?

is this a 4x2x2 120g?

BTW welcome to the site!
i aggree lights way to low in my opinion you need atleast 2 t5 marine white and marine blue there fairly inexpensive
Glad to know the cycles done.
With the lights you have,you'd pretty much be limited to non-photosynthetic corals.But those are not for the beginners as they need to be fed daily,which leads to more maintance.
Unfortunately, your lights are not strong enough to keep any corals. I'd recommend a T5 setup. They are fairly inexpensive (as far as saltwater lighting goes), and you can keep anything you want under them.
Halogen lights wont cut it for corals.Their not the right spectrium.
My actinics come on at 9am HQIs on at 11am and actinics off,HQIs off at 7pm and actinics come on,then actinics off and moon lights on at 9pm
thanks for the help yote! i always wondered why halogens werent used. also thanks for the times. with real critters n my tank i figured it would be important.
so just to make sure i understand you correctly though is it possible to keep anemonies if i had more t-5s or would i need halides for those? also what other types of corals can i keep? also figured out finally here is the list of lights 3 24in T-5s on 65w and two 55w and two T-12s
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so just to make sure i understand you correctly though is it possible to keep anemonies if i had more t-5s or would i need halides for those? also what other types of corals can i keep? also figured out finally here is the list of lights 3 24in T-5s on 65w and two 55w and two T-12s
Those T5's you have are unfortunately not what we are referring to here. What you have are PC's (Power Compact).T5 refers to the size of the bulb, however to be more accurate it should have been stated that you need T5HO bulbs. The High Output bulbs are the only alternative to MH's if you want to keep light intensive corals or anemones. Realize that nems are among the most dependent on lighting of all the animals you could put in your tank. If you want to keep nems, you need to consider abandoning your current lighting and getting a complete setup that can provide the lighting that they need. Also nems need a mature tank so plan on waiting at least a year before you add one.
The second one is obviously the better choice. It's not that the first one isn't good, but you have a rather deep tank. I would go with the second one for your tank. The first would work great on something like a 75.