
Big Ben

Reefing newb
So, I am ready to slowly wade back into the hobby after a few year vacation so to speak. I have a 55 gallon acrylic with a 220 watt VHO set up. I visited my LFS yesterday and they had a 4x54 T-5 fixture for a reasonable price ($169 without bulbs) and its much cleaner looking than my DIY hood with my VHO's. What's your experienced opinion on the difference I would see with the T-5's? Energy consumption, heat, different species ect? Total cost with bulbs is looking at the $250ish range and I wouldn't hesitate if it will allow me a greater option of corals. Really don't want to spend the $600 for an LED system or have to deal with the heat of MH bulbs. Thanks for any insight.
So I did some shopping and found a 6x54 t-5 hood for around $330ish if I recall correctly. I should be able to keep anything with that set up correct? Work out to 6watts/gallon. Is heat a huge concern with th T5 fixtures? The fixture I found has a couple fans built in. I am going to do my reef right this time, slowly!! Thanks for the advice.