Little shrimpies missing


Reefing newb
I started out with 3 pepermint shrimp, 2 coral banded shrimp, a cleaner shrimp and a blood shrimp. One the coral banded killed the other one of which was supposed to be a pair. Now the other coral banded has been gone for about 2 weeks, with no sign of his shell or anything? About a week and a half ago the cleaner shrimp went missing. Now all I have is 3 pepermint and the blood shrimp.

Would the other 2 be hiding if they are sheding their skin? Someone told me the coral banded will hide for a few weeks. I have seen the pepermint and blood shrimp shed shell several times lately, but still no sign of the coral banded or the cleaner
The could be hiding from the molt, but i suspect that your coral banded is still hiding and killing your other shrimp. Those guys are pretty nasty.
well he must be hiding really good. I only have 3 big rocks on the sand and only one has places to crawl into. I can see everywhere else in the tank and he's not around. Neither the cleaner shrimp either. I haven't even seen his body or molting.

Hopefully the coral banded is gona and I can put more nice shrimp in there
They can definitely hide after molting, I used to have one a while back and it was fairly peaceful for the most part, but he did snap at my tangs when they got too close. My CBS and my cleaner both disappeared a while back :(