live rock


Reefing newb
I finally have enough lighting to have corals but the live rock has been in the fish only tank for a couple of years do I need to buy new "live" is the old dead rock okay
I agree. I order 99.9% of my supplies and livestock on line. I can not recommend any of our shops unfortunately. Not trying to be mean, because you can get some good stuff, but it takes a lot of searching. Our shops here suck. :(
I used to patronize Southwest Saltwater (now Southwest Aquatics) exclusively. The other stores WILL rip you off. I've heard the stories time and time again. Unfortunately, it seems that Southwest has been declining in the quality of the people they hire BIG TIME. Just in the past few days I've had several issues with what their people have told me and how their employees have acted.

If you are lucky to deal with Rob (the owner), he has great customer service and a ton of knowledge, and I believe he's trustworthy and won't steer you wrong. But if you get stuck talking to anyone else in the store, you're better off double checking their answers before you hand over your cash.
i think it'd be safe to use the old rock, heck i would suggest it, older rock will be better established, so long as its been kept in good shape...

one other option would be to make yourself some, if your up for it.. i've done it, and i love it, cause its just so darn cheap, and that me, cheap!..

you can ask TED what he thinks about my home made stuff, he has some in his tank too...
yea, i never thought about it when i was making them, till right at the end, i ended up making most of them about the same shape, like to mal-formed pancakes... covered in a crust of rock salt and crushed coral and shells...

then my buddy pointed out that they were all the same, and i was like, crap, ok, well, the stuff is mixed, so you have 2 min to find me a different shape form... so we ended up with a couple log shaped ones, and one that reminds me of pacman...

oh well, it was only my second batch.. i'm thinking i should start batch #3 pretty soon, so i can get it curing...

i have a plan to make them purdy :)
True they are rocks, but since they aren't live you wouldn't have to ship them overnight or second day. You could also have standard sizes and dimensions that people could chose. That way they could get just what they wanted. And you could have a mix and match special, etc...
Those claims in there just sound wrong.

I dont see how if it is fully cycled, then dried, it can still be cycled?

I just dont know about the claims. But the price is good

thats why i posted it, cause it just goes to show ya that if you dont know, then your gonna get took.

its people like this that like the phrase "theres a sucker born every min"
yea, i mean it sounds like a bunch of words to try and confuse the uneducated buyer, and to make a better price of a lesser product.