Matt's 20 gallon long

Current tank shots


Is this your 20 gal? The flow pumps look huge. lol.
The tank is awsome. I'm definately leaning toward a similar aquascape.
Thanks reefer, ya thats my 20 gallon long. I think the top picture power head looks huge cause its taken from a weird angle at the corner lol. I believe that one is just a 425 gph.
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Hey all, i noticed the past couple of days on my frogspawn, that, one of the heads is staying well this retracted it wont open up. All of my other corals are blown wide open as big as the rest of this frogspawn except for this one head. Is this a sign of it dying? Is there anything i can do to salvage it?

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thanks for the reply Hannah. I hope thats what it is. It never fully retracts. Pretty much what you see in the pic is as much as it has the past three days or so. Im assuming there is nothing i can do but let nature take its course. Ill keep an eye on it. thanks.
I have also been known to lose a head of frogspawn for no reason as well, they just close up and there is nothing i could ever change about it, but the rest of the coral did just fine. I would assume its splitting until its been closed for a few weeks, but the rest of the coral looks fine so it could be a fluke if that one dies off.
Hey all. First off my params are as follows. PH-8.2,ammonia and nitrite both 0 nitrates-20 always has been around there. Phosphates-0 and calcium 480. Recently I noticed as you see in my previous posts. That a frogspawn head completely receded into the skeleton. I was hoping it was a fluke like Hannah said. Unfortunately it was not. Since then 4 more frogspawn heads have retracted completely while the remaining 3 heads are fully open and look better then ever. Also my torch coral now has 2 of its 3 heads looking like they are about to do the same thing. I haven't changed anything no additives other then the fuel reef food. I have been using about 2 months now maybe. Could this be the cause of it? Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Also the corals I'm speaking of have been in the same place since day 1.always looked great until recently. All my other corals look healthy as well. Hit me with your knowledge!
I think it would be the long term exposure to high nitrates. The first thing I would do is stop feeding the reef fuel, I don't think anything in your tank is using it nor do they need it. Then step up those water changes and decrease what you are feeding the fish
Hmm Ok. I have already stopped using the fuel about 2 weeks ago. I feed my once fish daily. Only what they will eat and it's all frozen food. I'm just worried about my Mandarin. I know they require a lot of food. Should I only feed every other day?
Will do Hannah. Ty for your responses. Also would you find it better to say do a 20% water change one day or 10% then in a day or two do another 10%
does it make a difference?
Been awhile since i posted. Had quite the algae outbreak and after some great advice (ty erin) i took each rock out and scrubbed all the algae off. Tank is looking much better. Got a new cleaner shrimp since mine died, a new torch coral and hammer. other then that nothing really new.




Oh and my mandarin is still kickin and doing great.Bad picture though.