microbubble war


Reefing newb
so my tank has been running for about a week and i mounted the lights with the legs temporarily... once the lights were on i noticed how many thousands of microbubbles i had... i turned everything off and let it all settle and float and pop and the water was all clear so i turn everything back on... but by the end of each day i have millions of bubbles again... where are they coming from!?!? could i make my bubble trap more effective some how? could i put some foam in between the baffles to catch the bubbles? it also seems like the return section its self generates bubbles... when there are large ones on the the surface of the water they get sucked under and shredded but the impeller... any tips?? thanks in advance everyone
I'm also going to follow this since I can't seem to get rid of my bubbles 100%. I've gotten rid of most by using a filter sock on the drains from the tank to the sump and using a bubble trap.
One of my big problems comes from after the bubble trap, the water falls into the middle chamber creating bubbles that get sucked into the return pump.
You need to raise the water level in that section so the water isn't falling into it. Keep the water level as high as the last baffle.
Ya that's what I didn't do either and the last baffle is really high so I don't know, I'll have to figure out a way to cut it without taking my whole sump apart.