Moorish Idol?


Reefing newb
Besides all i have read on this fish (as being very hard to maintain)
I can't seem to find if it is Reef Friendly

Anyone have experince on this fish
Moorish Idol - Zanclus cornutus (Linnacus, 1758)

-Length; 6.3 inches (16 cm).

-Range; Indo Pacific

-Minimum Aquarium Size; 100 gal. (379 L).

-Foods and Feeding. Very difficult to feed. Varied diet, including finely chopped table shrimp, squid, clams, mysid shrimp, vitamin enriched live brine shrimp, live black worms, as well as vegetable matter. Also offer foods with Spirulina and various marine algae. Feed several times a day. Reluctant feeders may require live rock with rich coralline algae and sponge growth (their natural fare) to survive acclimation.

-Reef Aquarium Compatibility; An occasional individual will nip large polyped stony corals as well as certain soft corals polyps.

-Captive care; This glorious fish has been on the want list of most marine aquarists at one time or another. Unfortunately it is difficult to keep. In most cases it will refuse to eat or will never take food with gusto and will slowly starve or decline in health. Several can be kept together. Needs plenty of unobstructed swimming space as well as holes or crevices into which it can dive when threathened.
It is compatible with most fish and larger invertebrates, but should not be kept with any polyps or corals, which it will eat. Small invertebrates may be threatened as well.