Mushroom Moved


Reef enthusiast
One of my mushrooms moved onto one of my big rocks. Is this normal? How can I move it? I would rather have it on a smaller rock.
it is difficult to control exactly where corals will move. I let my mushrooms grow where they may. I like the look. If it has not reattached itself to the big rock, you can move it where you like. My mushrooms have wandered all around my tank. When I need more space for corals, I just tend to add another piece of live rock to the tank.

-Dr Marco :sfish::sfish:
sometimes i put mine in places were i think they will start moving so when they move they leave a piece behind to form new shrooms. My red mushroom been moving and has left part of itself behind and now i have 2 new red mushrooms.
my mushroom moved when i first put it in the tank. the only problem was that I couldn't find where it moved to! I thought that something had ate it. then, a month later it rolled out from under some live rock. I rubberbanded it where i wanted it and it has stayed there ever since.
if you want to keep it in place, I like to "pinch" a corner of the mushroom between two small rocks. it takes about a week for the shroom to attach to a rock. Then it will split easily between the two rocks and you get great mushroom growth.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
you can also place them in a small container of coral rubble and they usually attach themselves to a piece, then you can put it where you want.