

Reefing newb
Ok, I'v now tried 3 times. All my water tests fine, everything in the tank is growing and living normal.....

The light is a pc 96watt actinic 96watt 10k I believe, it is run for 8 hours a day and the mushrooms look great. as soon as the lights go out they produce this long string of slime and slowly wither away. it happend the first time with a frag that looked like the guy had just riped it off and the 2nd and 3rd with frags from an astablished tank of a friend. any ideas?

i think you need more light. how do they look when the lights are on. all my shrooms shrink up when the lights are off
i have to much light for my shrooms i need to shade them. but as for the string stuph i have no idea execpt i dont think that they are happy
Your mushrooms could be stressing,but I doubt it because of the light.Mushrooms are a low light coral to begin with.
And like Nudy said,Softies will close and shrivle up when the lights go out.What few softies I have actually start closing up about 15 minutes before lights out.
Same here, I can't keep mushrooms under my T5's. Too much light.

I have some shrooms in my tank that started bleaching when I switched to T5's now that they have both gotten accustomed to the light and I have shaded them lower in the tank, they are getting their color back. They also shrivle up at lights out just like my zoa's. Normal softie behavior. No need to expend energy to be open when there is no energy to be collected by the sun. LPS also deflate and might shoot out tenticles at night.

the sliming happens from time to time, especially if they are new to a tank, it is part of their establishing their territory. most soft corals have that defense mechanism. If they fill out during the light cycle, I would say they might be OK. hard to know without a picture

I have 4.8 watts per gallon with T5's and my shrooms are growing like crazy. They are in direct light, but under 24" of water. Light penetration isn't as good when the water is that deep, but they are going crazy. :bounce: