

Reefing newb
My buddy has red mushrooms that he fights with to stop them from growing. So myquestion is why do stores charge so much for something people have to fight to tame?

and if anyone is looking to get rid of any mushrooms (any color but red) in the NH area I'd be willing to come pick them up. I can throw you a few bucks but nothing big, I'm just looking for something to cover the shaded corners of my tank.

And sory for the complaining, I got laid off 2 weeks ago so I'm in my (I hate people who can buy nice things stage)
An object, coral or product is only worth what someone will pay for it. If they will pay X for it then it is pointless to sell it for less than X. I have a very awesome LFS. Their passion is salt water aquariums and reefs. However if they don't make money, they would have to close their business.
+1 Bio.
And another thing to look at,Some have certian corals that just grows like crazy for em.
And hate to hear about the layoff.
Another tip for acquiring corals on the cheap is to find local reefers. The frags you will get off your local hobbyists will always be cheaper than what you can get at a LFS.
And, whenever something becomes popular, they alway jack the price up. I remember when dendros were like 20 bucks and now they are 50
I know I was just in a bad mood cause I was driving up the road and some guy in a brand new mazarati *sp* with a 20 day plate on it came smokin by me and I got to thinking how nice it must be, half of the country is outa work dieing for a job and this guys going and spending 100k on a car.

and the part that gets me is you come home, go on any job search site and the same job that was 25$ an hour last year is now a 10$ an hour job cause they know people need the work and thats BS.

see there I go again. I think we need a rant and rave section on this site for people like me.