My Confession


Reef pro
Hello all, I have a confession...I went into a new petco around my house, which has only been open for a week. I went in to look around and become familiar with the store, and see their saltwater section..."They had a Naso tang for 29.99", so I kinda accidentally bought it...I was at my lfs earlier, and they had one for 79.99, the same exact size, so I feel like i got a great deal...All of their tanks are still clean and new so I feel a little better about the petco plague(ick), he looks really good...I'll post pics tomorrow for it is being acclimated right now.
I just had to get that confession off my chest:mrgreen:
A lot of my fish are from Petco. Of course, they are the few that survived the first few days. Most weren't so lucky ;) Although none of mine died of ich, they just ended up dead for no apparent reason.

That said, this guy may be a survivor. Post pics and congrats on the new addition!
I admit that I have thought about it myself, but never went through with it. Their prices are sick but there fish all seem to be too... I hope he does great for you. I saw their shipment come in the other day and all the fish looked healthy but everything in their tanks looked like crap. I am always tempted by the low prices, but then I see the fish in the tank next door swimming sideways with HLLE and I snap out of it. Maybe some day though.
I confess too. I have purchased many fish from Petco (and Petland). Most with much success. I have also ordered from Petco on-line. The have some great prices and bulk discounts on a lot of stuff, i.e. sand sifting stars, etc. Also it of course comes directly to you guaranteed and bypasses the stores where I think the trouble lies.

I wouldn't tell anyone though! :bounce:
hopefully the fish works out for you... post some pics. lets see this petco beast! I would definitely qt it for a while if you have a qt thats the best idea
Impulse purchases often lead to disaster or poor conditions for the fish because the purchaser seldom does his/her research first.

According to "Reef Aquarium Fishes" by Scott W. Michael, a recognized reef fish expert...
"Naso lituratus, Naso Tang, maximum size 18", minimum aquarium size 180 gallons. This fish needs plenty of swimming space ..." page 398.

So, not such a good decision on your part, in my humble opinion. One must strive to be a responsible reefer and research a specimen before making a purchase.

All Tangs are ocean roamers traveling many miles over the reef during a typical day foraging for food. They do not hang around the reef in nooks and crannies like so many of the smaller fishes. In captivity a minimum of 6' of swimming length is recommended.
I forgot to even look at the size of your tank. Sorry but I'm going to have to agree with the last couple posts. I'm currently looking to upgrade my 180 because my naso vlamingi is just to big. I need an 8 foot tank minimum now.
+1 alex, and above! Keep that fish long enough to ensure he is healthy, then sell him to a local reefer for a profit :D or return him immediately if you are able to. Good luck
Thanks guys for the insight and advice...I've done plenty of research on it wayyyyyy before I purchased it...I'm looking at it in a business aspect...I purchased it for 30.00, knowing it is well worth more than that, and saying to myself that once it gets maybe 6-8in I could trade it in to my lfs for a nice store credit, maybe even more than what I paid for it. So I look at it as a business opportunity and to get the experiance of raising it so when I upgrade to 125gal I'll have some experiance at keeping larger fish. Thanks for looking out guys, but I don't plan to keep it forever, just while it is young and can swim in my tank:D
:trampolin Sorry, Smitty! Never mention keeping a Tang in too small of a tank on here. It's a "hot button"! Maybe start a P.E.T.T. club! :trampolin
:trampolin Sorry, Smitty! Never mention keeping a Tang in too small of a tank on here. It's a "hot button"! Maybe start a P.E.T.T. club! :trampolin
LOL...I should
I knew I had it coming, that's why I had to make it a confession. I can't keep anything from you guys.
My only concern Here is that not only is it a large tank that is needed because of length for swimming space but additionally the tangs require water that is well oxygenated typically something that is achieved on a larger scale. I have thought about am Achilles in my tank but thought is as far as it goes for that reason alone. I put a naso in my 80gal a few years ago and it diedwithin 3 days for unknown reasons. Either way it goes I hope it all works out for you.
I confess too. I have purchased many fish from Petco (and Petland).


Petco is one thing. But Petland! PETLAND! They sell puppies and kittens! I would never ever ever ever not if it was the last pet shop on the planet give my money to a store that sells dogs and cats. Not while there are 8 million dogs and cats euthanized in animal shelters every year in this country. I have a HUGE moral objection to any pet store that sells dogs and cats (and the dogs usually come from awful puppy mills -- and it has been verified by the Arizona Daily Star that Petland gets their dogs from such puppy mills, several of which have been cited for animal neglect and abuse).