My Elegant got stung


Reefing newb
Got a new green Elegant coral. Screwed up & put it too close to my hammer. He got stung on one side. 2/3 of him died but a portion of him is still living (he's moving). Might he come back to life / can I save the rest of him? The store said to put him in a light solution of iodine, 1 TS to 1 quart of tank water for 5 minutes every other day. Anything else I can do for him??
You dont need to keep dipping him, and single dip should be enough. Just keep your water quality up and try and keep it feed regularly and with a little bit of luck it will come back.
It should come back -- corals are very resilient. Keep an eye out for a brown jelly like substance on the coral. That's bad news.