My old sand


Reefing newb
Im putting my tank back together. Do I need to rinse my sand out some how before I put it back in the tank? Its been sitting for 2 weeks in a huge tub while tank is being finished up.
when i shifted my tank I rinsed the sand mixing it up every now and then until the water ran clear. Took about 1-2 hours - had no issues. If you don't rinse it though you could risk spikes in your water quality. I would edge on the side of rinse for as long as you think you need to then a bit more haha
I just moved up to a bigger tank 2 weeks ago and rinsed mine with the used salt water *(not fresh because that will kill the baceteria) until it ran clear.

I would scoop some sand in a medium sized bowl then pour in water shake like you are trying to find gold LOL and pour off the water, do this a few times for each scoop

I didnt have any ammonia spike with my change so I guess I did something right :)