My Stock List


Reefing newb
My current list for my stock is:

1 Flame Angel

1 Yellowhead Jawfish

2 Ocellaris Clownfish

1 Diamond Watchman goby or Firefish

I think this is cool but it dosen't "Pop" what adjusments would you make (Keep in mind the Flame Angel and Pair of Clowns are fish that I WILL have)
I think its a good list, but I think the goby and the jawfish might have problems in a smaller tank because they look very similar and have the same "job". But it could work. You must have a mesh lid because jawfish are FAMOUS! for carpet surfing.
Thats didn't occur to me, keep in mind though I have a glass lid thats tightly secure! No carpet surfers in my house! I will give everyone the revised version later. Maybe another one too.
Glass lids are not a good thing in saltwater. They restrict gas exchange and hold in heat. Plus if you have corals, they cut down on the light available to them, especially when it is covered in salt creep. That is why I specified a mesh lid.
How is the temp on your tank with a glass lid? I got so tired of clean salt creep off the one I had....10 years ago I ditched it. That and that tank went to a MH light temp was just to high.
My temp is always 76-77 degrees, only have small salt creeps here and there, its perfect and I love it. I have an occasional air stone that I let run in there for about 10 minutes to help oxygenate the water.
Ya, that isnt going to cut it. Your fish are always breathing, they dont just wait in between airstone sessions. Plus those things really screw with the pH.
What about replacing the jawfish with a blenny? I think a midas blenny would add some nice color to your list, and starry and tailspots are also fun blennies. You could also do a small wrasse such as a six-line wrasse. I think at some point you are going to want more "swimmy" fish and may feel like your tank is a bit empty if you only have the flame angel swimming around. The clowns are likely to find one spot in the tank and hang out there most of the time, and the goby and jawfish are bottom dwellers and don't swim around much. So with only the angel really being active in the tank you're probably going to feel like its empty! (Or at least I think I would lol!)
I actually realized that I am going to leave the air stone running 24/7. I am sticking with my current lid because the water will also stay in better and not evaporate as quickly.
Evaporation is part of this hobby, have good gas exchange is really really really important!!! Otherwise your fish are just going to be drowning in your tank. A few people on this site have actually lost fish due to lack of oxygen in the tank.
I always use power heads for currents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) You don't use air stones in reef tanks.
2) You don't use glass tops
3) Listen to what everyone is trying to tell you and learn from it rather than having a hissy fit.

No one here that cares about your success in the hobby and the life of your animals is going to sugar coat anything to avoid hurting your feelings. You're getting advice from people that have been in the hobby for MUCH longer than you. Don't be so quick to dismiss it.
I always use power heads for currents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, dood, no need for all the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s

So fine...use your powerheads, ditch the airstone.
I'll see what I can do. Another form has been treating me way better than this.
You are on here for advice yes? You are getting great advice. I think you're getting treated fabulously. Little Fish is 100% correct, she always is, a year and a half ago I had a biocube with a solid lid. My fish died because of gas exchange. You need to have a mesh lid. It's not everyone being mean to you, it's everyone trying to help you. It's what we're here for. We want you to have a successful tank. We want to befriend you and have fun with you and see your tank grow and thrive. Please do not take advice as people being against you or arguing with you. Sometimes it is hard to admit you do not know everything, but, keep an open mind, learn from others and things will go a lot better. And, if you prefer another forum, then, God bless, but, I can't imagine they would be tellling you any different.