My tank


Reef enthusiast

SO it looks empty...but really I have a brittle starfish a cleaner shrimp and two percula clown fish that are hiding

There is also around 24 of both hermit crabs and snails
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Looks great, i like the rock. For the first month or so all I had was crabs and snails runnin around the tank. They were fun to watch. Now i'm down to (2) trochas, (1) margarita- dont know how hes still alive, i lost about 10 of em- (2) blue leg hermits, (1) scarlet leg hermit,(1) emerald green crab, also have 2 clowns runnin around too...
Nice tank. What are your plans with it?


Probably just some simple corals, whatever I can keep under the 40 watt T-5's I'm getting

I also am going to try my luck at breeding my clownfish pair. If it works I'll let you know.