My tank


Phi Kappa Psi
Here are a couple of pics of my tank. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I am probably getting some snails or cleaner shrimp tomorrow. Also which would you recommend shrimp or snails. I might get some more liverock and rearrange it but I dont know.
Anywho for the pics.


I can tell from the bits of hair algae on the glass that your system is young.If the cycle is complete a variety of snails will take care of it.Maybe one mexican turbo and a dozen of astreas or trochus snails will clear that up.Skunk Cleaners aren't really considered part of a clean-up crew but if your system is stable than by all means add one.If you have sand than a few sand stirrers like nassarius snails,ceriths and queen conchs maybe beneficial also.

Good luck-nice clowns and system.
Also with the sand stirrers. I have 10lbs of fake rock or whatever and 10 lbs of live rock. Will it be ok to rearrange it and also should I get more rock?
With the sand stirrers should I go ahead and rearrange it to where the rock has very minimal sand underneath it so they dont get hurt if I do get some.
Most people aim for 1-2lbs of live rock per gallon.That comes out to 24-48lbs in your system.Adding another 10lbs would be great.Rearranging the rocks won't harm anything,it takes me months before I get the aquascaping just the way I like it.Your rocks won't harm the snails that bury in the sand.
i wanna get some inverts but i dont know if my tank is close to being cycled since my test kit form dr F&S has not arrived yet.
You can also get a sea hare to clean up that algae fast. Just make sure you can trade it back to the LFS or give it to someone. Once the algae is gone, they can starve to death, trust me
i had mine cycling for a little over 2 weeks.. then I took my water to my LFS to see if my nitrites and ammonia were at 0 and they were. Everything else was good also so I picked up 2 clowns.
i think my cycle may be almost over cuz i got, a damsel, live rock and live sand in there, cant wait till my dam test kit comes, as soon as my cycle is over, im running to the fish store. cant wait ahhhhhh ill probably get a glown fish, if my damsel attacks it, by bye damsel
Hahaha, that's some good algae you've got there! Your new snails will be as happy as a fat kid in a cake factory. I would not get a sea hare for a nano tank. If something happens to it, it will crash your whole system. Stick with snails for a small tank.