Need some info!!


Reefing newb
I am a newbie with saltwater and sorry if you have had to explain this before but I have been reading some of the posts on high nitrates and have read where canister filters can cause high nitrates along with bio balls! Have been told that they are second only to sump filters. I have 3 canisters, one with bio wheels on the 75g and nitrates are not at a zero reading and have not ever been (bless my poor fish). So I am asking for info on why canisters and bio balls can produce high nitrates. Thanks so much. Amy
40 is beginning to get a little high but not really an issue. 160 is very high as you already know.
There is always a lot of fuss about the viability of the canister filters and the use of bio balls. Capt and Daugherty have used the bioballs in the past and had no trouble.
If I was guessing (and I am because It is not my tank), is that you are possibly overfeeding the lionfish. How often are you doing water changes? If you are that is OK just step up the water changes. Also if I read right you have 3 canisters filters. Start cleaning one of them every week and then the next week clean a different one. Hope this helps and if the nitrates continue to rise and you are already doing all of these things you might PM either of the guys listed above. Also you might look to add a skimmer to the tank if you do not have one.
Welcome to the site.
We got a new skimmer which I think has helped it greatly. A piece was missing on the old one! Second I don't overfeed the lionfish. I feed him frozen shrimp and he will almost take it from my fingers!! With the tang I will feed brine shrimp and algae tablets. Maybe that's what's creating the problem. Thanks for your help, hoopsdaddy
Ohhh sorry, forgot to add, The last water change the nitrates were at 40 and almost a month has pasted and still there. 3 months ago we were doing it every week so we could get the nitrates down. I do full testing every 3 days.
Bioballs and canister filters do sometimes lead to high nitrates. 160 are so high that it can be fatal for your animals. 40 is fine for fish only. You still should try to get them lower. Using a skimmer will definitely help. If I were you, once you get the skimmer up and running, start removing the other filters one at a time. Continue to do regular water changes of 10 to 20% every week or every other week using RODI water (not tap water).
The new shimmer is up and running doing better than the old one. Thank you for the help. My fish are very important to me and any more info or suggestion are surely welcome!!!! Thank you again, Amy
Piggy's right. Mysis and emerald entree will be much better for the tang. I agree with Biff also. If the skimmer is working well and you have 1-2lbs of live rock per gallon you shouldn't need the other canisters. Keep one to run some phosphate media or carbon if you want to polish the water from time to time.
Post some picts of your tank when you have time. Hope weve been some help.
Yes you all have helped out grealty, thanks all!!!!!!!!! But I don't think I have 1-2lbs of live rock per gallon in my tank, eck!! Wanted to give the fish room to swim, guessing I need more.(that's why I'm a newbie) How do you know when you have enough other than by weight??
Sorry to say that even weight can be misleading. If it is very porus and feels lighter than it should when you pick it up and it is reef safe(should be fiji/tonga/ect) then it is good rock. This is the stuff you read the "rule" of 1-2 lbs of live rock per gallon.
If you can find some cured live rock from a friend or a local fish store(lfs) then use it since you have already added fish to your tank. If not then get a 5 gallon bucket and put your rock in there and add a power head and possibly a heater and it could take up to 3-6weeks to "cure" your live rock.
Does your local fish store Aquatic Treasures carry cured live rock?
Yes hoopsdaddy Aquatic Treasures does have live rock, cured I don't know, never asked! When I got the tank it had lots of live rock and crushed coral as the substrate until my husband replaced it with gravel :frustrat:. So I believe the tank now has problems because of all of that!I don't know!!! Bifferwine I did get Emerald entree at Petco. Didn't look at the aray of food items that were available. The previous owners told me what to get and I did.