New Additions


Reefing newb
Yesterday I added my first Marine fish (2 clowns) and live coral ever into my tank:bounce:. I was feeding the fish and of course some of the pellets dropped to the bottom, after about a minute I was looking for the pellets and I found this red wormlike critter about 2 inches long eating the pellets. It came from under one of my live rocks in the tank. Is this thing OK to have in the tank? Also the snails were going crazy over the pellets as well. Having This tank is awsome!
I too would worry about a red worm,unless of course its one you dug up out of the yard to fish with.
The worms probably a bristle worm.The bright colored bristle worms can be bad news for a reef tank.But double check the ID on before you toss it because 90% of the ones that end up in our tanks are actually good to have.
thats it were is moderator we will have to ban him, or atleast from certain forum topics so he don't see anyones butt or other crazy drunk people in vegas.
took you a while before you returned on that one, still freak is right though i wouldn't let my son browse internet by himself, especiallly through our tattoo section. mods could ban him from offtopic or bs area of forum
I have an eleven year and I don't let him surf the internet without supervision.I don't want to see the youngin banned but he did lie in his profile.