new battle


Reef enthusiast
well this is a battle I didnt want but here we go.. My nem recently split and the two were fine, just enough room for them to stretch out and not reach any corals.. Well came home yesterday and one moved just a couple inches to the side, well it was just enough so he can touch some big rics and an SPS. So took him out and put him in the newly setup frag tank ( params are all good and ph and such has been stable).. Took a half hour or so to get his foot loose but managed to not damage it. Now goes the battle to try to keep the tank good enough to keep him going in for now.. Guess we will see what happens..:frustrat:

If you don't want to keep it try to trade it in at a local fish store or sell it on craigslist or trade it at a local reef keepers club mtg. Also, if the tank is in such good shape that the first one split, it will split again most likely. Congrats on the baby, but sorry about the corals.
yeah I would have but when I got home I noticed one section of a ric was damaged so one way or another it was coming out. When I finally did get it out there was no store open to bring it to and I hated to kill it so acclimated it to the other tank and in it went. Now I dont want to try and move it again to quickly so in there it stays for a bit( if it makes it of course)... I still have the main one in the tank, I am sure he will split again, averaging a split every 6 to 8 weeks...